Next Baptism
23. FEB 2025

Baptism is a sign before God and the world to show that you have decided to follow Jesus. As a symbolic act, to show that with Christ our old life has died and that we have a new life through Him, the entire body is immersed into water. As the FCG, we believe that the decision to be baptized should be a conscious one, therefore we do not baptize children, but only those who independently request it.
We are very happy for everyone who has made the decision to follow Jesus and wants to confirm it! Therefore, we celebrate baptism services several times during the year. If you are interested to be part of the next baptism service, please register to the next course where we explain what the decision means and where you can ask any questions you may have. If you have any direct questions about baptism or the baptism course, please don’t hesitate to contact us!