About us
Get to know the FCG Frankfurt!

- Passionately
- Closeness
- Good hosts
- We honor each other
- Future oriented
- Positive
Our Vision
A fulfilled life with God for everyone
“I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly”. John 10,10
Our Mission
We are transforming the world by building a church that puts Jesus at the center of it all, learns from Him, and empowers people to reach every area of society with the love and hope of God.
Our Mandate
“Get up,
go to the great city of Nineveh and preach to it, (…)
Now Nineveh was a great city before God (…)
Then the people of Nineveh believed (…)"
(Jonah 3:1-5)
We want to go where the people are. The greater Frankfurt area is our Nineveh. God has called us to build and found churches here.
What’s important to us
World Changers love Jesus, their focus is on people and share what they have.
How we do church building
Our heart burns to share the love of God and see how it fills people’s lives. We are building His church with joy and dedication, giving our best when we serve, and worship Him with enthusiasm.
As a healthy church grows and becomes bigger, we will get close as a family through smaller groups and teams. We love to move and grow together with all generations of people. We are authentic, happy to forgive and are there for one other.
Everybody is welcome here. We are open to everyone, want to connect, take the time for each person, and help as much as we can. We create a welcoming atmosphere, always have a place reserved, take good care of our home and communicate clearly.
We follow God’s principle of love your neighbor unconditionally in all directions. We recognize leadership, support and value each person and respect them as they are.
We adapt to each new generation and invest boldly, purposefully, and generously in the future.
With wise advance planning and organization, we continue to develop and build a modern church.
We love to build a church and focus on the good – a church can be fun! We speak positively about each other, as well as encourage and motivating one another. We think, act and communicate in a solution-oriented manner.
Our Pastors
Tobias Karcher - Senior Pastor
I am Tobias (born in 1975) and since October 2015, the Lead Pastor at the Freie Christengemeinde Frankfurt. With my wife, Trine and son Mikkel, I have lived abroad for several years and enjoy a wide variety of cultures, influences and music.
My vision: build a church that serves people – relevant, near, vibrant and honest. Church, that learns from and follow Jesus. Church for everyone: Families, singles, young, old and as multifaceted as the city in which it stands. Looking for the city’s best. I see myself as a sponsor, trainer and leader. I want to reach the people of today and encourage them in their development, to help make them disciples of Jesus who reflect His love.
Nora Müller - Family Pastor
I am Nora (born in 1995) and am a family pastor in the FCG. I studied theology at the Theological Seminar in Erzhausen and after my studies I concluded a distance education as an educational adviser (Erziehungsberatung). I work part-time in the FCG and in the afternoons I work at a primary school in Frankfurt providing after-school care.
My heart burns for families! I love teaching the love of God with the children and sharing with them God’s word. I am committed to serving the family as a whole and supporting parents in their responsibility to their children’s development.
At the FCG, I am responsible for children’s ministry, family services, young adults, FCG community actions and Theology students.
Samuel Waldeck - Pastor
My name is Samuel Waldeck (born in 1986), I am happily married with Manuela with whom I have one son. In parallel to my sales job, I studied Theology at the Theological seminar in Erzhausen and am now working both in business and at the church.
I care very deeply about people coming together as a community and growing in their faith of Jesus. I am allowed to lead the Service Teams, Connect Groups, men’s ministry as well as the Next Steps courses. I love the church and when people find their place within it!
Joshua Seitz - Youth Pastor in Training
Hey, I am Joschi (born in 1999) and I love spending time with people, doing sport activities or enjoying nature. I have a great passion to make sure the next generation knows about Jesus. Since January 2020, I lead the Youth Service (Jugendkirche) REAL
Our partners
As followers of Jesus, we are called upon to be “the light of the world” (Matthew 5: 14). That is the reason why we as a church are associated with initiatives and people working on this calling full-time. We support the follwing initiatives and people in their services:
Since 1954, the Velberter Mission has been sending people all over the world as ambassadors so that they can spread the good news of Jesus Christ, by living as Christian examples and making it audible and tangible to people of all nations. For this calling, nothing has changed. Since 2019 the organization has been known as “VM-International”. The main task lies in sending Christians in partnership with the home churches, which means that VM does not work in the project-oriented manner but rather puts those who are called to mission work in the middle of their calling.
“GAiN” means “to win”. The name describes our vision: We want to contribute to the world’s poorest and disadvantaged gaining a new perspective for their lives and hope for the future. GAiN works worldwide and supports humanitarian aid projects in over 50 crisis areas around the world.
Marburger Mission
The Marburg Mission Foundation (MM) is a non-profit organization. Its first missionary was sent to China in September 1909 which marked the beginning of the organization. Today, around 70 missionaries are serving in eight countries and in the East Africa Network to fulfill the worldwide mission of Jesus Christ. 56 people are long-term missionaries with a term of more than two years. Every year, about 10 short-term volunteers are involved in various projects to support the long-term missionaries.
AVC is a mission and relief organization working for persecuted Christians and people in need around the world. Our commitment extends to over sixty countries on four continents. AVC works in the hot spot - where persecution of Christians meets spiritual as well as material needs.
Compassion Germany is the German branch of Compassion International, one of the largest Christian child-advocacy organization that helps children all over the world. Compassion has been working for poor children globally for 70 years. Anyone taking a child sponsorship with Compassion has a one-to-one contact with that child. Compassion Germany is one of 12 partner countries providing sponsorship in 27 Latin America, Asia and Africa countries.
Our History
For almost 90 years now we have been building the FCG Church in Frankfurt. Everything started in 1935 with a prayer group consisting of two dozen Christians and a hunger for more of God …