Discipleship Circle (Jüngerschaftszirkel)
Starting on 16. APR | 3 x 12 Sessions | Module III

What is Discipleship (Jüngerschaft)?
- Discipleship is centered in Jesus Christ.
- Discipleship happens in fellowship.
- Discipleship involves teaching, affects both everyday and major life decisions, and motivates others.
- Discipleship depends on commitment: That’s why we encourage the group to stick together during the 12 weeks of a module in order to really get into a growth dynamic and is why we ask for a binding registration.

Why should you register for the Discipleship Circle?
- You are a new follower of Jesus and want to grow in your faith.
- You have been walking with Jesus for a long time and want to re-establish your foundation:
- Basic truths can move from the head into the heart and theoretical knowledge can become practical.
- You can bring your experience to the group and allow others to participate in it.
- You can fill individual knowledge gaps.
- Learn to become outspoken and share what you have internalized; helping others in your own personal way to make things understandable.
- So, you can bring someone from your surroundings, who is new in their belief, and accompany them on their journey.
Our Training Plan
Module 1: Love Jesus
- A call for disciples / 2. Know God /3. Justification / 4. Nature of Grace / 5. Nature of Discipleship / 6. Qualities of disciples / 7. God’s word I / 8 God’s word II / 9. Prayer filled life / 10. Worship as a lifestyle / 11. Hearing the voice of God / 12. Protecting the heart
Module 2: Focus on people
- Ein dienender Gott / 2. Lebensstil Nächstenliebe / 3. Ehe, Familie, Singles / 4. Sexualität / 5. Freundschaften / 6. Kirche I: Bilder / 7. Kirche II: In der Apostelgeschichte / 8. Mission und Heiliger Geist / 9. Gaben des Geistes / 10. Berufung & deine DNA / 11. Aspekte deiner Berufung / 12. Deinen Platz finden
Module 3: Communicating what I have
- The Kingdom of Jesus / 2. Characteristics & values / 3. Sharing your faith I / 4. Sharing your faith II / 5. Sharing your faith III/ 6. Spiritual Warfare I/ 7. Spiritual Warfare II/ 8 Making of Disciples /9. Obstacles /10. Change processes/11. Making of Disciples in the workplace 12. Evaluation
The Circle, in overview
- 3 modules in 12 weeks; spread over a 1-year period.
- Flexible entry is possible at the start of each module.
- Enrollment fee per module: EUR 25
The Circle, in detail
- During the 12 weeks of a module, we want to grow together as a group.
- It is also possible to take a module, skip one and start again later.
- Elements of an evening: Worship, Teaching, Team, Prayer & Ministry Time
- Reinforcement: Handout with core content and training for personal reinforcement throughout the week
- Why is there is a cost? The 25 euro registration fee is a symbolic act and 100% will be donated to our missionary Ulf Strohbehn. He builds Bible and discipleship schools all over the world. Since discipleship fundamentally costs us something, we want to use the registration fee, on a financial level, as a statement of your commitment.